[R]Redliner: How LinkedIn Determines the Capacity Limits of Its Services

LinkedIn serves more than 467 million members on a global computing infrastructure through hundreds of internal services. During processes such as new feature releases, capacity planning for traffic growth, and data center failover analysis, the following questions are raised frequently:

  • “What is the maximum QPS (queries per second) that my service can sustain with its current setup?”
  • “Can the current number of servers handle 50% more traffic volume than the current level of peak traffic?”
  • “What infrastructure elements are the potential capacity bottlenecks for my service?”

As LinkedIn’s performance team, it’s our job to provide accurate answers to these questions in a timely fashion.

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[R]Measuring and Optimizing Performance of Single-Page Applications (SPA) Using RUM


Improving site speed is one of the major technology initiatives at LinkedIn because it is highly correlated with the engagement members have on our website. Real User Monitoring (RUM) is an approach where we use data from real users, instead of a synthetic lab environment, to measure performance, and this is the primary way we measure site speed at LinkedIn. In this blog post, we present how we measure performance of single-page applications at LinkedIn using RUM, and how we used RUM data to make our new LinkedIn web application faster by 20%.

Page Load Time (PLT) is the key metric that we measure for every page at LinkedIn in order to capture the user’s perception of when the page is ready. It is not easy to measure this metric uniformly across all pages because it is highly subjective depending on the content of the page and on the end user’s perception. Speed Index is a good indicator for the user’s perception of when the page is rendered, and we use it for measuring performance in synthetic environments. But it is not possible to calculate this metric accurately using RUM. So, we needed to find a good proxy for PLT that could be easily measured using RUM. For traditional web applications, which are mostly server-side rendered, window.onload() event is a reasonably good proxy for PLT. Most traditional RUM libraries use the Navigation Timing API to detect when window.onload() event is fired and thereby measure PLT for the page. However, as we discuss below, we ran into several obstacles when trying to use window.onload() as a proxy for PLT for single-page applications.

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[R]Best Practices for Designing a Pragmatic RESTful API

Your data model has started to stabilize and you’re in a position to create a public API for your web app. You realize it’s hard to make significant changes to your API once it’s released and want to get as much right as possible up front. Now, the internet has no shortage on opinions on API design. But, since there’s no one widely adopted standard that works in all cases, you’re left with a bunch of choices: What formats should you accept? How should you authenticate? Should your API be versioned?

In designing an API for Enchant (a Zendesk Alternative), I’ve tried to come up with pragmatic answers to these questions. My goal is for the Enchant API to be easy to use, easy to adopt and flexible enough to dogfood for our own user interfaces.


Key requirements for the API

Many of the API design opinions found on the web are academic discussions revolving around subjective interpretations of fuzzy standards as opposed to what makes sense in the real world. My goal with this post is to describe best practices for a pragmatic API designed for today’s web applications. I make no attempt to satisfy a standard if it doesn’t feel right. To help guide the decision making process, I’ve written down some requirements that the API must strive for:

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Java Performance: The Definitive Guide(1st)


  • 1章 介绍
  • 2章 常用的测试java应用的方法以及经常遇到的陷阱
  • 3章 java应用常用的监控工具
  • 4章 JIT编译器
  • 5&6章 GC
  • 7章 jvm堆内存
  • 8章 原生内存
  • 9章 线程性能
  • 10章 JavaEE API
  • 11章 JPA和JDBC
  • 12章 JavaSE API建议
  • 附录A 所有的调优参数注解


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Ruby Bundler


Bundler 是什么?

Bundler是Ruby依赖管理的一根救命稻草,它可以保证你所要依赖的gem如你所愿地出现在开发、测试和生产环境中。利用Bundler启动项目简单到只用一条命令: bundle install




$ gem install bundler
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